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Beatunes 5 1 8 – Organize Your Music Collection

  1. Beatunes 5 1 8 – Organize Your Music Collection Free
  2. Beatunes 5 1 8 – Organize Your Music Collection Agency
  • This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by .

Beatunes 5 1 8 – Organize Your Music Collection Free

  • Disregard this post…I’ve learned a bunch of stuff just by reading a few articles and posts buried deep here that I’ve missed until now.

    The first thing I’ve learned is how much of a noob I am and how much I have to learn and re-learn.

    Compress 1 0 1 – image compression file. Second, having such a huge library is actually detrimental…as I’ve been fighting all along. It’s just too big. I need to return to my vinyl mentality and keep it small and manageable…it’s amazing how easy it is to go overboard with digital files and epic hard-drive sizes. It’s also impossible to TRULY know your music when you have that much available.

    Third, as a DJ, you don’t HAVE to play all those requests…even when playing mainstream music.

    Master of typing 3 10 0 2. Fourth, bragging about having such a large library gets you branded as a pirate…by people who don’t even know you. LMAO!

    Please cut the new-guy some slack as I eat some humble pie.

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